Beyond the Border

Mock layout covering the Seattles Times Beyond the Border story made during the Kalish Picture Editing Workshop. Thank you to Seattle Times for supplying photos for these designs. Photos by Erika Schultz. Written by Tyrone Beason. For educational purposes only.

This layout was created in conjunction with the Kalish Picture Editing workshop. We worked in teams (myself, Jill Karnicki and Leah Woodruff) in order to tell the story of the town of Tijuana through two different families, Juan Carlos and Daysi. We wanted the cover to bring the reader into Tijuana and inform them of the important geographical context of the story. Our first page we wanted to continue using the wall as a character, develop the culture of the town and introduce Juan Carlos. The next page we wanted to continue telling the story of Juan Carlos and his family. Our final page we devoted entirely to Daysi and her son Jimmy. We wanted to show Jimmy's independence as well as Daysi's struggle raising Jimmy while trying to get him into the US. 


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